Bringing Together Local Businesses & Neighbors of Sarasota
Mike Del Gallo
Executive Producer, Good Neighbor Podcast: Sarasota
I began my career with an accounting degree working for a CPA firm in Connecticut. Having a passion for business, I owned and operated several businesses from Insurance Agencies, Restaurants and bars to a Digital Marketing firm. I’m a resident of Sarasota and have been coming here all my life. I have seen the city change over the years and looking forward to helping business expand and flourish within the community. I’m married with two grown children and enjoy Sarasota living and lifestyle. Through Good Neighbors Podcast Sarasota I will never forget the importance of bringing people and businesses together.
To bring the local businesses and residents of Sarasota together.
To enhance the ‘Know, Like and Trust Factor’ of our featured guest and their
To provide our featured guest a valuable resource that can be used in numerous ways to grow their business.
Want to get your business featured on the podcast?
Mike Del Gallo
Executive Producer, Good Neighbor Podcast: Sarasota
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